Professor Rina Lapidus
Bar Ilan University

To Learn the Motherland’s Tongue: The Writings of Y.L. Gordon Published in the Journal of Voskhod between the Years 1881-1882, 2012 (Hebrew)

To Learn the Motherland’s Tongue: The Writings of Y.L. Gordon book cover

To Learn the Motherland’s Tongue: The Writings of Y.L. Gordon Published in the Journal of Voskhod between the Years 1881-1882, An annotated academic edition, with an amplified introduction and commentary, Jerusalem: the World Zionist Organization, Bialik Institute, 2012 (Hebrew). The book is a translation from Russian to Hebrew by Rina Lapidus of articles by Yehuda Lieb Gordon appearing in the journal Voskhod in the years 1881-1882. Lapidus has also edited these writings, adding a first chapter which is a brief survey of the Russian articles written by Y.L. Gordon before the series of articles appearing in this book, and a second chapter, “The 'Minister of Foreign Affairs' of the Jewish Community in Russia: the Dual Voice in the Russian Writings of Y. L. Gordon in the Years 1880-1882”, showing Gordon as a sort of representative of the Jewish community addressing the Russian authorities through his writings. The editor has added notes, a bibliography and a table of contents.

ללמוד את שפת המולדת - מאמריו של י"ל גורדון ב-'ווסחוד' בשנים 1881-1882, אוסף תרגומים, מוסד ביאליק - ירושליים 2012

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