Professor Rina Lapidus
Bar Ilan University

Courses Taught in the Years 1981-2017

(The courses were taught in the Bar-Ilan University, unless otherwise stated)

1981-1983: Traditional Jewish manuscripts and scrolls and their research (Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Jerusalem)

1984-1986: The study of manuscripts in researching Talmudic texts

1984-1986: Essential concepts of human life; man's relationship to God and to his fellow man; this world vs. the world to come

1984-1987: God and man in Aggadic texts in Midrash, and in the Babylonian and Jerusalem Talmuds

1984-1987: Linguistic and literary aspects of Aggadic texts in Midrash and the Babylonian Talmud

1985-1987: Introduction to the Oral Law in Judaism: Aggadah in the Babylonian and Jerusalem Talmuds and in Eretz-Israel Exegesis. Traditional sources

1985-1987: The concepts of God; morality, duty, will; life, mission; faith and reality in the Aggadic literature of the Babylonian Talmud

1986-1987: Approaches to the research of Talmudic texts (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beersheba)

1986-1987: Theological, philosophical, historical, literary and linguistic aspects (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beersheba)

1987-1991: Russian-Jewish and Russian-Hebrew literatures

1987-1991: The Essay genre in Hebrew literature: permanent and variable features; sub-genres; the hero, the author and the implied author

1987-1991: Moral, ethical and philosophical issues in Russian literature of the 19th and 20th centuries: Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Chekhov, Bulgakov

1987-1996: Hermeneutics, semantics and structuralism, and their application to fairy tales and ancient myths

1991-1998: Introduction to East European literatures: Russian, Ukrainian, Biellorussian, Czech, Polish

1993-2000: Theories in literary research - Vladimir Propp, Roman Yakobson, Victor Shklovsly, Eliezer Melitinsky, Isaak Revzin, Grigorii Permyakov, Caude Levi-Strauss

1997-2003: Short works in American literature: O. Henry, Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Silvia Plath

1998-2005: Formalism, structuralism, deconstruction as applied in Russian literature

1999-2002: Trends in Russian and French formalism: psychology, sociology, folklore, literary research, linguistics

1999-2004: Genres in literature: definitions, different kinds and sources, historical development, methodologies of research

2000-2004: Jews in American and Canadian literature: Philip Roth, Bernard Malamud, Herman Harold Potok, Rachel Weiss, Adele Wiseman, Norman Levine, Norman Ravvin

2000-2003: Emigration and wandering in Jewish literature

2000-2011: Structure of short narrative texts: stories, novellas, parables, fairy tales, myths, sketches

2004-2011: Methodologies of folklore research: geographical, historical, Marxist and comparative approaches, psychoanalysis

2006-2017: Russian influences on world literature: fear of influence, intertextuality, "death of an author", the Bakhtinian approach

2009-2013: Styles, trends and scholars in Russian poetry of the late 19th and early 20th centuries

2010-2013: Soviet literature: socialist realism, rural as opposed to urban prose, post-Soviet literature, feminine prose

2010-2014: Between the golden and the silver ages of Russian poetry

2013-2016: Symbolism, futurism, imaginism, acmeism, adamism, mystical anarchism

2014-2016: Feminism and post-feminism in post-Soviet Russian literature

2012-2018: Psychoanalysis of works of Russian, Soviet and post-Soviet literature

2017-2018: Russian-Jewish authors in 21st century American literature: Arianna Bock, Slava Gelman, Gary Shteyngart, David Bezmozgis, Lara Vapnyar, Ellen Litman, Anya Ulinich, Yelena Akhtiorskaya, Masha Gessen, Nadia Kalman, Irina Reyn, Boris Fishman, and Michael Idov

2017-2018: "Scientific racism" as manifested in European, American, and Nazi literature