Professor Rina Lapidus
Bar Ilan University

List of Boards of Academic Publishing Houses, Journals and Collections of Articles for which I have served as a Reviewer

(in alphabetical order)

Around the Dot: New Studies on M.I. Berdichevsky, Y.H. Brenner and A.D. Gordon, eds.: Avner Holtzman, Gideon Katz and Shalom Ratzhabi, (Studies in the Jewish Revival), Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheba, 2008 (Hebrew)

Bikkoret u-Parshanut (Criticism and Interpretation), Journal published by the department of the Literature of the Jewish People, Bar-Ilan University, Tel-Aviv, Israel 2012, 2014(Hebrew)

East European Jewish Affairs, Taylor and Francis Publishing House, London, 2021

European Journal of Jewish Studies, the Journal of the European Association for Jewish Studies, Institute for Jewish Philosophy and Religion, University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany 2016(English)

Lexington Books, Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Lanham, Maryland, U.S.A., 2015(English)

The Russian Review – An American Journal Dedicated to Russian Past and Present, Journal published by the Center for Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies, the University of Kansas in Lawrence, Kansas, U.S.A., 2005 (English)

Vestnik: International Journal for Jewish Studies, the Center for Jewish Studies and Jewish Civilization, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Institute of Jewish Studies and Moscow State University, Institute for Asian and African Studies,2000 (Russian)

Questico Rossica, Ekaterinburg Government University, Russia, 2019, 2020

Iudaica Russica, University of Silesia Publishing House, (Wydawnictwo Humanistyczny Uniwersytetu Śląskiego) Poland, 2020

Reviewer for PhD works written and submitted under the auspices of the following Universities (in alphabetical order, all in Israel)

Bar-Ilan University

Hebrew University in Jerusalem

Tel-Aviv University

PhD works I provided evaluations for were written in the following languages

English, Hebrew, Russian