Professor Rina Lapidus
Bar Ilan University

Supervision of Graduate Students

(all in Bar-Ilan University, Israel, unless otherwise stated)

MA students who wrote and approved their works under my supervision

PhD students who wrote and approved their works under my supervision

Rina Lapidus with het PhD student at Graduation

MA students who wrote and approved their works under my supervision (in chronological order)

Garfinkel, Lea, Surrealistic and Fantastic Shaping in the Works by Isaac Bashevis Singer, Bruno Shulz, and Romain Gary, MA, 1993

Katzman, Roman, Mythopoesis: Theory, Method and Application in the Selected Works of F.M. Dostoevsky, MA, (with another co-instructor) 1994

Rak, Dalia, The Genre of Autobiography in Contemporary Hebrew Literature, MA, 1995

Ben-Moshe, Yifat, Russian Influences on Kafka’s Oeuvre, MA, 1997

Bretler, Esther, The Influence of the "Superfluous Man" in Russian Literature on the "Uprooted Man" in Hebrew Literature, MA, 1998

Goldfrad, Keren, Literary Styles in Holocaust Literature: A Comparative Study of the Works of Paul Celan and the Works of Primo Levi, MA, 2000

Katz, Hila, The Image of a Jew in "Merchant of Venice" by William Shakespeare, MA, 2000

Borin, Dana, Individual Confronting Society in Confession Narrative: a Comparison between “The Time: Night” by L. Petrushevslaya and G.D. Salinger “The Catcher in the Rye”, MA, 2001

Arazani-Taase, Hodaya, Dostoevsky’s “The Double” and Andersen’s “The Shadow”, MA, 2002

Goldstein, Michal, Art and Redemption: a Comparison between the Works of Isak Dinesen and E.T.A. Hoffmann, MA , (with excellence), 2002

Rak, Dalia, The Genre of Autobiography in Hebrew and Yiddish Literatures, MA, 2002

Segev, Yael, Image of Women in the Works by L.N. Tolstoy”, MA, 2003

Difnofidan, Gabriela, Literary Methods of Depiction of the One’s Conflict with Surrounding Society: “The Catcher in the Rye” by Jerome Salinger and “Nineteen Eighty Four” by George Orwell – A Comparative Study , MA, 2004

Saida, Dagit Ayala, Between "History" and "Literary Work" at Time of Political Upheaval: Study of Works by Boris Pasternak and Milan Kundera, MA (with another co-instructor), 2005

Simon, Gitit, The Moral Judgments in the Literary Works of Anton Chekhov and O. Henry, MA, 2007

Cohen, Ahuva, Influences of A.P. Chekhov on the Narrative Features of Y. Steinberg's Stories – A Comparative Study, MA, 2008

Tunin, David, Influences of Social Factors on the Image of the "Superfluous Man" in the Russian Novel of the 19th and 20th Centuries (Hemingway and Aaron Megged) MA, 2008

Horowitz, Hagit, Feminine Perspective: "Construction" vs. "Essence" – A Study of "Our Weddings" by Dorit Rabinyan and "Double Family Name" by Dina Rubina, MA, 2011

Bar-Zaken, Sarit, "The Great Mother" and Her Transformations in Persian and Russian Folktales as Reflected in Bibliotherapy, MA (with another co-instructor), 2012

Harel, Dovrat' Narrative Identity as Reflected in Life Stories by Old People Suffering from Dementia, MA, (with another co-instructor), 2012

Igal Lapidus, Vladimir Zhabotinsly and the "Group of Rassvet" in the Jewish Politicas in Russia, MA (with another co-instructor, in the University of Tel-Aviv), 2012

Borovitzky, Alla, Musical Education as a Means of Correcting Abnormal Social and Emotional Functioning among Children of FSU Immigrants Suffering from ASD, MA, (with another co-instructor), MA, 2014

Groudsky, Katerina, Researcher at the Israeli Museum of Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, an a coworker at Claims Conference, NYC.
Israel's Modern Discourse in the Russian language: Double Standards and Intolerance in Israeli News Websites in the Russian Language, MA, (with another co-instructor) 2014

Kagan, Alex, Cognitive and Psychological Mechanisms of the Risk Decisions among Women with Tattoos, MA (with another co-instructor), 2014

Mordock, Snir, Secular Godhead and Its Expression in the Works "Oh, My God" by Anat Gov and "Berlin Diaries" by Alona Kimkhi, as They are Reflected in Postmodern Hebrew Literature, MA, 2014

Mesika-Lubimsky, Mila, Ethnic Literature of Jewish Immigrant Writers of the Third Wave of Immigration from Russia into Israel (1960-1990), MA, 2015

Sklar , Angela, Social and Cultural Identity of Second Generation Immigrants from the FSU, MA (with another co-instructor), 2016

Yariv, Shilo, Performative Writing and Utopia in the Comedies of Margaret Cavendish, MA (with another co-instructor), 2016

Vinokurov, Polina, Influence of William Shakespeare's Oeuvre on the Works by Alexander Pushkin, 2017

Yisrael Spector, Ukranian-Jewish Literature, forthcoming

Reuben Malakh, Operas Written on Russian Novels, 2017 (with another co-instructor)

Rafael Bitton, Russian Novels in Oriental Musical Adaptation, (with another co-instructor), MA, 2020

Viki Pitter, Yiddishe Schtetl in Works by Shalom-Aleichem and Mark Shagal, MA, 2020

Yana Agmon, Poetry of Anna Akhmatova and It's Influence on Hebrew Poetesses, MA, 2020

Yogev, Shira, Postcolonialism in Works by Reuben Rubin and Shmuel Yosef Agnon, MA, 2020

Liora Yaffe, Deb Margilin's Art of Performance: between Social Ethics, Metatheater, and Jewish Affinities, MA, 2019

Sara Ben-Yosef, Diaries of Etty Hillesum: Ethical, Spiritual, and Philosophical Study, forthcoming

Gershbein, Tatiana, (with another co-instructor), Treatment by Music in Psychiatry, MA, 2019

Sarit Ifrah, Creative Writing of Children with Learning Disability in Bibliotherapy: Strengthening aspects of Coherency, Self Advocating and Emotional Regulatory, MA, 2020 (with another co-instructor)

Sara David, Erotic Motifs in writings by Ultra-Orthodox Female Authors, forthcoming

Sarit Yeteb, Oriental Woman in Israeli Literature by Jewish Female Writers, forthcoming

Lee Lieber, Psychoanalytic Analyze of Women' and Men' Infidelity in Russian Literature, MA, 2020

PhD students who wrote and approved their works under my supervision (in chronological order)

Katsman Roman, Mythopoesis: Theory, Method and Application in the Selected Works of F.M. Dostoevsky and Sh.Y. Agnon, PhD, (with excellence, with another co-instructor), 1995 (currently a Full Professor and a Chair in the Department of Hebrew Literature, Bar-Ilan University)

Bretler, Esther, The Influence of the "Superfluous Man" in Russian Literature on the "Uprooted Man" in Hebrew Literature, PhD (with excellence), 2001 (currently a Senior Lecturer in the Academic College for Higher Education "Givat-Brenner", Israel)

Klein, Yifat, Kafka’s Oeuvre and Its Link to the Thought and Works of L.N. Tolstoy in the Theme of Death, PhD (with excellence), 2002 (This PhD student authorized a creative work entitled "Good Night, Didi", Tel-Aviv: Gvanim and Alim Publishing Houses, 2003 [Hebrew])

Rak, Dalia, The Genre of Autobiography and its Expressions in the Works of Chaim Be'er and Philip Roth: A Comparative Study, PhD, 2002 (This PhD student authorized an academic work entitled "Devised in Autobiographical Genres", Jerusalem: the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Magnes and Carmel Publishing Houses, 2015 [Hebrew])

Katz, Hila, Images of Jewish Figures in Nikolai Gogol's "Taras Bulba" and Heinrich Heine's "Rabbi of Bacharach" – A Comparative Study, PhD, 2003 (with excellence)

Goldfrad, Keren, Literary Styles in Holocaust Literature: A Comparative Study of the Works of Paul Celan and the Works of Primo Levi, PhD (with excellence), 2004 (currently a Senior Lecturer in the Unit of Teaching English as a Foreign Language, Bar-Ilan University)

Segev-Fried, Yael, Shaping the Image of Women in the 19th Century Literature: A Comparison between “The Estate” by Isaac Bashevis Singer and “The Kreutzer Sonnet” by L.N. Tolstoy – A Comparative Study, PhD, 2005 (currently a Lecturer in the Academic College for Higher Education "Orot", Israel)

Taase, Hodaya, Literary Carnivalesque: Stern’s “The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman” and Dostoevsky’s “The Double” – A Reading according to Bakhtin's Theory”, PhD (with excellence), 2006

Shoham-Peli, Maya, Between Religion and Literature: Mikhail Bulgakov’s The Master and Margarita and Thomas Mann’s Doctor Faustus: A Comparative Study, PhD, 2006 (currently a critical books reviewer for the website

Kellner, Rivka Temima, Feminism or Parody? The Wizard of Oz by L.F. Baum, The Lion, the Witch and The Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis and Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone by J.K. Rowling: A Comparative Study, PhD (with excellence), 2007 (Bar Ilan University Presidential Fellow, 2002-2006, currently Jewish Leadership Program, Leo Baeck School, Haifa; Project Coordinator, Boston-Haifa Partnership, 2001; Personnel administrator, Social Involvement Unit, University of Haifa)

Bauberg- Shalvi, Shira, Poetic Representations of a Radical Reality in "If This is a Man" by Primo Levi and "Live and Fate" by Vasily Grossman: A Comparative Study, PhD, 2008 (currently a critical books reviewer for the website; translator from English into Hebrew for Opus Publishing House, Tel-Aviv)

Simon, Gitit, The Moral Judgments in the Literary Works of Anton Chekhov and O. Henry, PhD, 2008 (currently a critical books reviewer for the website journal "The Direction of the Spirit: Forum for Literature, Thought, Culture, Society,

Cohen, Ahuva, Influences of Anton P. Chekhov on the Narrative Features of Y. Steinberg's Stories – A Comparative Study, PhD, 2010

Vorobeychik, Yulia, The Translation and Musical Adaptation of a Poem as a Key to Multiple Interpretation: A Hermeneutic View of Heinrich Heine's "A Pine Tree Stands Alone", PhD (with excellence, with another co-instructor), PhD, 2013 (this student passed away two months after defending her PhD dissertation)

Borovitzky Alla, Musical Education as a Means of Correcting Abnormal Social and Emotional Functioning among Children of FSU Immigrants Suffering from ASD, PhD (with another co-instructor), 2015 (currently running a private clinic for autistic children speaking Russian, Tel-Aviv)

Sarit Bar-Zaken, "The Great Mother" and Her Transformations in Persian and Russian Folktales as Reflected in Bibliotherapy, PhD (with another co-instructor), 2015 (currently running a private clinic for bibliotherapy for young people, Tel-Aviv)

Ezra Shaprut, Plays Based on the Bible, during the Period of the Yishuv and Thereafter, as a Tool for Shaping the Zionist Identity, PhD, 2015 (currently a retired Senior Lecturer in the Academic College for Higher Education "Beit-Berel", Israel)

Kagan, Alex, Cognitive and Psychological Mechanisms of the Risk Decisions among Women with Tattoos, PhD (with another co-instructor), 2015 (currently the Director for the Former Soviet Union, World Union for Progressive Judaism)

Gorodetzky Polina, Demonism in Russian Literature and It’s Specific Aspects in M. Bulgakov’s Oeuvre, PhD, 2016 (currently a retired literature teacher)

Dovrat Harel, The Construction of the Narrative Identity in Life Stories of Older Adults with Dementia, PhD, (with another co-instructor), 2017 (The work was awarded "The Florence Gray-Soltys Graduate Student Award" prize under the auspices of: International Institute for Reminiscence and Life Review, University of Wisconsin-Superior, USA)

Tunin, David, The Analysis of the Reasons for Development of “Superfluous Man" in the Russian Literature in 19th Century as a Motif in a Literature, PhD, 2017 (currently articles author and editor, the Jewish Encyclopedia in the Russian Language, the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Israel [Russian])

Yariv, Shilo, Comedies of Margaret Cavendish, (with another co-instructor), 2018

Vinokurov, Polina, Influence of William Shakespeare's Oeuvre on the Works by Alexander Pushkin, 2018

Mesika-Lubimsky, Mila, Ethnic Russian Literature by Immigration Authors from the Former Soviet Union in Israel (1960-1990), PhD, 2020

Reuben Malakh, Waltzes on Russian Novels by Griboyedov, Prokofyev, Chaikovsky, Shostakowitz, Chachturyan, PhD, (with another co-instructor), 2020

Mordock, Snir, Israeli Literature by Russian Speaking Writers, PhD, 2020

Sklar , Angela, Social and Cultural Identity of Second Generation Immigrants from the FSU, PhD (with another co-instructor), 2020

Groudsky, Katerina, Israel's Modern Discourse in the Russian language: Double Standards and Intolerance in Israeli News Websites in the Russian Language, PhD, (with another co-instructor) 2020

Horowitz, Hagit, Feminine Perspective: "Construction" and "Essence" in Hebrew and Russian Literature: Comparative Study, PhD, 2019

Verdel, Yulia, Soviet NEP as Potentially Applied to Foreign Economic Systems, PhD, (with another co-instructor) 2020

Gershbein, Tatiana - Treatment by Music and Literature of Geriatric Patients, forthcoming. Musicologist, psychologist, senior researcher at the Center for Comprehensive Art Research in Saratov (Russia), author of a monograph on the problem of introversion in the work of A. Bruckner.

Yisrael Spector, Ukranian-Jewish Literature , forthcoming

Olga Primakov, Archeological Findings in Russian Collection of Archimandrite Kapustin in Palestine (with another co-instructor), forthcoming

Liora Jaffe, Deb Margilin and Hanoch Levin: Comparative Study, forthcoming

Yogev, Shira, Postcolonialism in Contemporary Israeli Art and Literature, forthcoming

Sara Ben-Yosef, The Sky inside Me: Diaries of Etty Hillesum, PhD, forthcoming

Maayan Zakh, Eros as Destructive Force in Jewish Art (with another co-instructor), forthcoming

Sarit Yifrah, Creative Writing of Children with Learning Disability in Bibliotherapy: Strengthening aspects of Coherency, Self Advocating and Emotional Regulatory (with another co-instructor) , forthcoming

Lie Lieber, Psychoanalysis of Man-Woman Relations in Classical Russian Literature of the 19th Century, forthcoming

Rafael Bitton, Jewish Cantorial Music, (with another co-instructor), forthcoming

Yehuda Atzba, Jewish Folk Stories of the Galilee, forthcoming

Nurit Shochat, Sylvia Platt and Dalya Rabikovich: A Comparative Study, forthcoming

Iris Gur, Carnavalism in Contemporary Israeli Literature, forthcoming

Sarit Yeteb, Oriental Woman in Israeli Literature by Jewish Female Writers, 2020

Sharon Kashro, “The Blue Beard" in World's Literature, History and Philosophy