Professor Rina Lapidus
Bar Ilan University

Invited Lectures and Participation in Conferences

Organization of Academic Conferences

Invited Lectures at Academic Conferences

Lectures Given at Academic Conferences

Pannels at Academic Conferences in which I Served as the Chair

Participation in Academic Workshops

Sabbatical I have spent

Organization of Academic Conferences - Chair of the Organizational committee

25.3.1997: The departmental colloquium in the Department of Comparative Literature on ‘Symbol in Literature and Art’ and delivered the introductory lecture, entitled “Theoretical Aims of the Study of Symbols.”

9-12.1.2005: Four-day international conference on “Russian Culture and Jewish Culture in the Twentieth Century: Links and Interrelationships”. The conference was held under the auspices of the Faculty of Humanities, Bar-Ilan University.

6-8.3.2006: Three-day international conference on “Russian Literature in International Context: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow.” The conference was held under the auspices of the Faculty of Humanities, Bar-Ilan University.

30.4.2018: International conference entitled “Bulgarians and Jews: Mutual Links in History and Culture", Bar-Ilan University

Invited Lectures at Academic Conferences

18.12.2012 : "Young Jewish Poets Who Fell as Soviet Soldiers in the Second World War", the Conference "'Around the Point' - Languages, Literatures and Cultures of the Jewish People", Department of the Jewish Literature, Bar-Ilan University, Tel-Aviv (English)

20.2.2013: "Iosif Utkin - a Jewish Poet and a Russian Patriot", conference entitled: "The Holocaust and the Jews in the Second World War in Soviet Literature and Films", the Center for Research of the History of Soviet Jewry during the Holocaust, the International Institute for Holocaost Research, Yad VaShem – the World Holocaust Remembrance Center, Jerusalem (Hebrew)

28.2.2013: "Yiddish Poets and Writers Persecuted by the Stalinist Regime", conference entitled: "Jewish Martyrs of the Stalinist period", the Program of Yiddish Literature and Language Research, the Department of the Literature of the Jewish People, Bar-Ilan University, Tel-Aviv (Hebrew)

22.3.2015: "Literature Works fo Unknown Jewish Writers and Poets in the Soviet Union", conference entitled "Culture of the Jews in the Soviet Union", Dahan Center, Bar-Ilan University, Tel-Aviv (Hebrew)

7.7.2015: "Attitude towards Disabled Persons in Traditional Jewish Literature", the Ninth Congress of Anthropologists and Ethnographists of Russia entitled: "Contacts and Intersactions of Cultures", the Academy of Sciences of the Russian Federation and the Federal University of Ural, Ekaterinburg (Russian)

7.8.2015: "Jealousy, Rivalry, and Competition in the Guise of Romantic Relationships between Men and Women in Nineteenth and Twentieth-Century Russian Literature", the Ninth World Congress of International Council of Central and East European Studies, Makuhari University, Makuhari, Japan (Russian)

25.11.2015: "Black Humor in the Israeli Literature in the Russian Language as a Means to Deal with Emotional Difficulties", International Conference entitled " 'And there confound their language' – Journey between Foreign Languages in Israeli Literature", Faculty of Jewish Studies, Bar-Ilan University, Tel-Aviv (Hebrew)

8.4.2018: "The Body of a Jew in Folklore and Literature: an Example of Anti-Semitism "- International Conference entitled "Genocide, Holocaust, Racism", Bar-Ilan University, Tel-Aviv (Hebrew)

9.5.2018: "Jews in Uzbekistan during the Soviet Era and Their Immigration to the State of Israel", given at International Conference entitled: "My Heart is in the East: Eastern Jews and Their Arriving in the State of Israel", the Academic College of Education "Orot Israel"' Rekhovot, Israel. (Hebrew)

27.3.2019: "Holiness of Self Sacrifise for the sake of Realization of High Spiritual Goal in Russian Culture", the Fourth Academic Conference of the Humanities, Bar-Ilan University (Hebrew).

9.4.2019: "The Model of an Ideal Communist in Bulgarian and Russian Cinema:", Institure of Art Studies, University of Sofia and the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria (English).

27.5.2019: "Jews in Bulgarian Cinema", Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria (English)

27.5.2019: "Jewish in Bulgarian Cinema", Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Sofia, Bulgaria (English).

22.1.2020: "Jewish-Russian Mutual Influences", conference "Jewish-Russian Literature", Bar-Ilan University, Israel (Hebrew).

Lectures Given at Academic Conferences

1987: "Achievements of Russian Formalists and Structuralists", Colloquium of the Department of Literature of the Jewish People, Bar Ilan University, Tel-Aviv (Hebrew).

1988: "The Structure of the Aggidic Stories in the Babilonian Talmud as a Means for Their Inrerpretation", the Fourth Inter-University Conference on Hebrew Literature, University of Ben-Gurion in the Negev, Be’er Sheva. (Hebrew).

1988: "Contradictions between Halachic and Aggadic Approach in the Babilonian Talmud to Fulfilment of the Commandments in Tora", Inter-Uiversity Conference on Philosophy, the Open University, Tel-Aviv. (Hebrew).

1989: "Russian Language Patterns in Misaviv la-Nekuda of Y.H. Brenner", the Fifth Inter-University Conference on Hebrew Literature, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv (Hebrew).

1989: "The Link of the Poetry by Alexander Penn to the Poetry of Sergei Esenin, Tenth World Congress on Jewish Studies", the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Hebrew))

1990: “The Ways of Russian Formalism and its Renewal”, Inter-departmental colloquium at the Department of Comparative Literature, Bar Ilan University, Tel-Aviv . (Hebrew)

1990: “Structural Analysis of the Rabbinic Legends in the Talmud and Midrash”, Colloquium of the Department of Literature of the Jewish People, Bar Ilan University, Tel-Aviv . (Hebrew)

1990: “The Interrelation between Structure and Hermeneutics in Aggadic Texts: Ketubot 62b-63a”, The Sixth Inter-Uiversity Conference on Hebrew Literature, Hebrew University of Jerusalem. (Hebrew))

1990: “The Structure of the Plot in Russian Ethical Literature and its Influence on Fashioning the Plot in the Works of Hayyim Hazaz. Lecture at the weekly seminar of the Oxford Centre for Postgraduate Hebrew Studies, Yarnton Oxford. (English)

1991: “Some Issues in the Research of the Talmudic and Midrashic Literature”. Lecture at Yad Ben-Zvi Institute (Russian).

1991: “Hazaz’s Revolutionary Tales as a Parody of Soviet Ideological Literature”. Seventh Inter-university Conference on Hebrew Literature, Bar Ilan University, Tel-Aviv. (Hebrew)

1992: “Aggadah in the Talmud and Midrashim”, Yad Ben-Zvi Institute, Jerusalem (Russian).

1992: “The Second Temple Period and Its Reflection in Aggadic Literature”. Yad Ben-Zvi Institute, Jerusalem (Russian).

1992: “Russian Influences on the Works of Y. Bershadsky, Y. H. Brenner, Y. D. Berkowitz, and Hayyim Hazaz,” Yad Ben-Zvi Institute, Jerusalem. (Hebrew)

1992: “Aggadah in Talmudic and Midrashic Literature”. Yad Ben-Zvi Institute, Jerusalem (Russian).

1992: “Jerusalem in the Perception of the Sages”. Yad Ben-Zvi Institute, Jerusalem (Russian).

1993: “The Influence of Russian Literature on Hebrew Authors and Poets,” Conference entitled: “Arab Neighbors and American and Soviet Power in the Middle East in the Modern Era,” Yad Ben-Zvi Institute and Ministry of Education, Haifa (Hebrew)

1993: “Y. D. Berkowitz’s Translation of Tolstoy’s Childhood”. Ninth Inter-University Conference on Hebrew Literature, Haifa University, Haifa. (Hebrew)

1993: "Russian Elements in Y. D. Berkowitz’s Play, He and His Son”. Eleventh World Congress of Jewish Studies, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem. (Hebrew)

1995: “Mendele Mokher Sefarim’s Relation to the Thematics and Poetics of N. V. Gogol”. Tenth Inter-University Conference on Hebrew Literature, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv. (Hebrew)

1996: “Discerning the Model as a Means of Interpretation, Criticism and Artistic Evaluation,” Annual Conference of the Israeli Union for Aesthetics, Haifa University, Haifa. (Hebrew)

25.3.1997: “Theoretical Aims of the Study of Symbols”, the departmental colloquium in the Department of Comparative Literature entitled "Symbol in Literature and Art"

1997: “Between Thematics and Genre in the Poetry of Hayyim Lensky”. Twelfth World Conference of Jewish Studies, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem. Hebrew))

1997: "Formalism, Structuralism and Deconstruction in the 20th Century”. Colloquium of the Department of Literature of the Jewish People, Bar Ilan University, Tel-Aviv. (Hebrew)

16.3.1999: “Between Halakhah and Aggadah in Rabbinic Literature: The Ethics of the Heart and its Rebellion Against the Letter of the Law”. Ninth Inter-University Conference on Jewish Thought, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva. (Hebrew)

22.3.1999: “Agnon’s Work: An Analysis Based Upon the Concepts of Russian Formalism.” Twelfth Inter-University Conference on Hebrew Literature, Haifa University, Haifa (Hebrew)

27.4.1999: “Problems in Translating Alexander Pushkin’s Works into Hebrew” Colloquium of the Department of Russian and Slavonic Studies, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem (Russian).

7.6.1999: “Special Problems in Studying Russian Influences on Hebrew Literature”. International Conference on Hebrew Language and Literature, Universidad Nacional Automa de Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico. (English)

3.4.2000: “Russian Influences on Hebrew Literature in the 19th and 20th Century”. Mazi Institute, the Academy of the Hebrew Language, Jerusalem. (Hebrew)

19.3.2001: “The Image of Jerusalem in the Eyes of Maskilim (Jewish Enlightment Movement Members), 1880-1882”. International Conference on Pilgrimage in Jerusalem, Department of the Russian Studies, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem (Russian).

9.5.2001: “Naphtali Herz Wessely’s Epic Poem Songs of Glory: Between Genre and Thematics.” the Thirteenth Inter-University Conference on Hebrew Literature, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv (Hebrew)

12.6.2001: “Genres and Styles in the Poetry of A. Shlonsky, N. Alterman and L. Goldberg,” Colloquium of the Department of Literature of the Jewish People, Bar Ilan University, Tel-Aviv (Hebrew)

13.8.2001: “Poems by Russian Women Infused into Hebrew Poetry: Rahel’s Poetry in Relation to that of Anna Akhmatova.” Thirteenth World Conference of Jewish Studies, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem. (Hebrew)

23.7.2002: “Symbolic and Idiomatic Patterns in Rabbinic Literature of the Sages,” Seventh World Congress of European Jewish Studies Association, Amsterdam (English)

14.3.2003: “Problems in Translating the Works of Lermontov into Hebrew: Chaim Lansky's Hebrew Translation of Mtziri.” Paper presented at the conference held in honor of Professor Ilya Serman of the Department of Russian and Slavic Studies, the Faculty of Humanities, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem (Russian)

14.4.2003: Dostoevsky and Tolstoy and Their Metamorphoses in Hebrew Literature,” paper presented at the colloquium held under the auspices of the Department of Russian and Slavic Studies, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem. (Russian),

24.12. 2003: “Parable and Allegory in the Controversy between the Sages and the Idolators.” Paper presented at the Sixth Annual Conference of the Institute for the Study of the Thought of the Sages, Beit Morasha under the auspices of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Jerusalem (Hebrew)

20.4.2004: “Eretz-Israel in the Aggadic Literature of the Sages, as seen from Rome, Babylonia and Eretz-Israel.” Inter-University Conference for the Study of Hebrew Literature entitled: " Representations of Eretz-Israel in Hebrew Literature Through the Generations”, the Department of Hebrew and Comparative Literature, Haifa University, Haifa “(Hebrew)

13.12.2004: “Contradictions between Faith and Reality in Ancient Rabbinic Literature”, the Seventh Annual Conference of the Institute for the Study of the Thought of the Sages, entitled “Disputation in the Literature of the Sages: Its Limits, Its Logic and Its Hermeneutical Status", Beit Morasha in Jerusalem, under the auspices of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Jerusalem (Hebrew)

9.1.2005: “The Influence of Russian Literature on the Hebrew Literature: Mendele, Bialik, Chaim Hazzaz, Alexander Penn”, International Conference, entitled “Russian Culture and Jewish Culture in the Twentieth Century: Links and Interrelationships,” Faculty of Humanities, Bar-Ilan University, Tel-Aviv. (Hebrew)

8.3.2005: “Elements of Jewish Messianism in the Works of Mikhail Bulgakov,” Conference entitled “Messianic Ideas in the Jewish Culture and Slavic Culture,” Leonid Nevzlin Center and the Department for Russian and Slavic Studies, in Jerusalem, Jerusalem (Russian)

12.7.2005: "Jewish Women Authors in Hebrew and Russian Literatures in the Period 1850-1945", conference entitled "Women in the Jewish World: Myth and Reality, Yesterday and Today," the British Association for Jewish Studies, Birmingham, (English).

3.8.2005: “Interrelationships between Hebrew Literature and Russian Literature: Bialik, Berdichevsky, Hazaz,” the Fourteenth World Conference of Jewish Studies, the Hebrew University, Jerusalem. (Hebrew)

12.1.2006: “Comrade—Woman in Life and Fate by Vasilij Grossman”, Conference "Vassiliy Grossman, Stalingrad Battle, Ideology, Freedom," the Cultural Centre Pier Giorgio Frassati, Torino, Italy. (English)

6.3.2006: “Methods and Orientations in the Study of Mutual Influences and Interrelations in Literature”, International Conference on “Russian Culture and Jewish Culture in the Twentieth Century: Links and Interrelationships,” the Faculty of Humanities, Bar-Ilan University, Tel-Aviv. (Hebrew)

2.4.2006: "Physical and Spiritual Murder between Man and Woman in Classical Russian Prose: Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Chekhov, Zoschenko, Trifonov", the Annual International Conference of the British Association for Slavonic and East European Studies, Birmingham (English)

2.3.2008: “The True God, the Apocalypse and a Man of the New Era: Shmuel Frankfurter by Hazaz, and His Relationship to Tolstoy's War and Peace,” the Inter-University Conference for the Study of Hebrew Literature, “Sixty Years of Israeli Literature,” University of Haifa, Haifa (Hebrew).

16.3.2008: “Russian Formalism as a Basis for Structuralism and Deconstruction in the Study of the Humanities in the Twentieth Century”, the Eighth Congress of the Israeli Association for the History and Philosophy of the Sciences, Science Museum, Jerusalem (Hebrew).

25.3.2008: “Must Language Have a Meaning? In Honor of the Hundredth Anniversary of the Founding of Russian Formalism”, the Sixth Annual Conference of the Faculty of Humanities, entitled “Meaning and Literature”, the University of Haifa, Haifa (Hebrew).

17.2.2009: “Clothing, Gender and Fear of Castration in Nineteenth and Twentieth-Century Russian Literature”, the Eighteenth Annual conference of MOTAR, entitled “The Portrait - Gesture and Appearance in the Arts,” the Faculty of Arts, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv (Hebrew).

11.6.2009: “The Man as Instrument for Acquiring Benefits in the Soviet Reality: a Post-Soviet View,” Conference entitled "The Ghosts of the Past: Everyday Life 20 Years after the Fall of Communism,” the University of East London, London, (English).

6.8.2009: “Problems in Y.H. Brenner's Translation of the Works of L.N. Tolstoy into Hebrew,” the Fifteenth World Congress of Jewish Studies, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem. (Hebrew).

14.11.2009: “Lev Tolstoy and His Place in the Zionist Ideology and in Hebrew Literature: A. D. Gordon and Hayyim Hazaz”, Convention of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Boston (English).

1.12.2009: “Jewish Women Writers and Poets in the Soviet Union,” Departmental Colloquium, Department of Comparative Literature, Bar-Ilan University, Tel-Aviv (Hebrew).

23.12.2009: “Russian-Jewish Literature in the Stalinist Era,” Departmental Colloquium, Department of Jewish History, Bar-Ilan University (Hebrew).

11.1.2010: “Issues of Gender in Works by Jewish Women Writers in the Soviet Union,” the Interdisciplinary Workshop in Russian Studies, the Faculty of Humanities, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem (Hebrew).

9.2.2010: “Eretz-Israel in the Poems of Jewish Women Poets in the Soviet Union,” the Nineteenth Annual conference of MOTAR, entitled “Pilgrimage in the Arts; Its Significance in Judaism, Christianity and Islam, and in East Asian and African Cultures,” the Faculty of Arts, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv (Hebrew).

15.2. 2010: “The Attitude in Aggadic Literature towards Gentiles Who Challenge Judaism,” the Twenty Second Annual Conference of Australian Association of The Jewish Studies, entitled "Judasism and the Other", University of Sydney, Australia (English).

20.3.2010: “Sex, Man's Self-Esteem, and Murder of Woman,” Conference entitled "Self Selves and Sexualities," the Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland (English).

13.4.2010: “Particular Gender Issues in Russian Literature,” Departmental Colloquium, Department of Comparative Literature, Bar-Ilan University, Tel-Aviv (Hebrew),

3.6.2010: “Jewish Women Writers of the Soviet Union: Elizaveta Polonskaia, Evgenia Ginsburg, Margarita Aliger,” Conference entitled “Gender and Jewish Identity” the Center for the Study of Woman in Judaism, Bar-Ilan University, Tel-Aviv. (English).

8.4.2011: "Soviet Jewish Women Writers on Russia, and Jewish Identity: Hanna Levina, Olga Ziv, Yulia Neiman," the Northeast Modern Language Association Convention, New Brunswick, New Jursey (English).

12.7.2011: "Passion and Murder in Russian Literature and Society", Conference entitled "Sixth International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences", organized by the Common Ground Conferences and Publishing Group, New Orleans, United States. (English)

2.9.2011: "Hebrew Literature as Multi-Linguistic System: Y.H. Brenner and Aaron Apelfeld", the Fourth International Adriatic-Ionian Conference, entitled "Across Languages and Cultures", University of Ca'Foscari, Venice, Italy (English)

20.3.2012: "Spirituality as a Source of Evil in Russian Literature and the Russian Orthodox Tradition", the Fourth International Conference for Contemporary Spiritualities, Haifa University, Haifa (English)

3.8.2013: "Death Poetry by Jewish Poets in the Soviet Union", the Sixteenth World Conference of Jewish Studies, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem (Hebrew)

28.10.2013: "New Sources in Research of the Literature, Culture and History of the Jews in Russia", Conference entitled: Riddles in Research of the Humanitiess and the Enjoyment in Finding Their Solutions, the Faculty of Humanitiess, Bar-Ilan University, Tel-Aviv (Hebrew)

25.2.2014: "'Another History': New Discoveries in Research of the History of the Jews in the Twentienth Century in Light of the New Literary Findings", Colloquium of the Department of Comparative Literature, Bar Ilan University, Tel-Aviv (Hebrew)

23.4.2014: "The Opposition of Religion and Spirituality in Nineteenth-Century Russian Literature and Philosophy", the Sixth Israeli Conference for the Study of Contemporary Religion and Spirituality, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv (English)

29.09.2016: "The Russian-Jewish Female Spirit: Jewish Women Writers in the Soviet Union", Manitoba University, the Faculty of Humanities, Winnipeg, Canada (English)

5.10.2016: "Unknown Jewish Poets and Writers Killed in the Stalinist Persecutions and the Second World War", United Jewish People's Order, Winnipeg, Canada (English)

7.12.2016: "Hinted" History as Oral History Predicting the Future", the Second International Oral History Conference entitled: "Oral Narratives and the Politics of History Making", the Avraham Hartman Institute for of Contemporary Jewry, Mount Scopus, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem (English)

09.8.2017: "Russian Roots of Contemporarty Hebrew Literature", the Seventeenth World Conference of Jewish Studies, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem (Hebrew)

30.4.2018: "Jews in Bulgaria in the Middle Ages and Early Modern History", International Conference entitled "Bulgarians and Jews : Mutual Links in History and Culture", Bar-Ilan University, Israel (English)

8.4.2020: "Journey in Bulgarian Cinema", Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Sofia, Institute of Art Studies, Bulgaria (Bulgarian)

13.5.2020: Immigration of Georgian Jews into Israel as Realization of Their Messianic Dreams in the Years 1968-1972" , Orot Israel Accademic College, Elkana, Israel (Hebrew)

7.11.2020: Reactions of Women in Nineteenth-century Russian Literature to Their Traditional Roles, panel "Rebellious Women in Nineteenth Century Russian Culture and Literature", the 52nd Annual ASEEES Convention, Washington DC.

10.12.2021: The Holodomor in Jewish Villages and Towns in the Ukraine, conference entitled: Narrating the Holodomor: The Social and Cultural History of Collectivization and Famine in Soviet Ukraine, organized by the Holodomor Research and Education Consortium, Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, University of Alberta, Canada

Pannels at Academic Conferences in which I Served as the Chair

7.12.2011: Chair at the Session "The Beginning of the 'Final Solution'", at the Conference "Operation Barbarossa – Invasion of the Nazi Germany into the Territories of the Soviet Union", the Center for Research of the History of Soviet Jewry during the Holocaust, the International Institute for Holocaost Research, Yad VaSem – the World Holocaust Remembrance Center, Jerusalem (Hebrew)

19.12.2012: Chair at the Session "Yiddish Literature" at the Conference "'Around the Point' - Languages, Literatures and Cultures of the Jewish People", Department of the Jewish Literature, Bar-Ilan University, Tel-Aviv (English)

16.3.2015: Chair at the Session "Literature and History" at the Conference "Literature and History", Departments of the Jewish Literature and of Comparative Literature", Bar-Ilan University, Tel-Aviv (Hebrew)

31.12.2015: Chair at the Session "Women's Rights: Legal, Religious and Educational Perspectives", at the Conference entitled: "Women's Rights: Religious, Educational Legal, and Social Aspects", UNESCO, the Catherda for Values, Human Rights, Democrathy, Tolerance, and Peace and the School of Education, Bar-Ilan University (Hebrew)

8.12.2016: Chair at the Session entitled: "Research and Oral History Projects", the Second International Oral History Conference entitled: "Oral Narratives and the Politics of History Making", Mount Scopus, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Institute for the Research of Contemporary Judaism (English)

9.8.2017: " Hebrew Literature and World Literatures", the Seventeenth World Conference of Jewish Studies, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem (English and Hebrew)

Participation in Academic Workshops

7.12.2011: I have participated in: International Workshop: Methodological Problems in Researching the History of Soviet Jews during the Holocaust, 5-7 December 2011, Yad Vashem: The International Institute for Holocaust Research, The Center for Research on the History of Soviet Jews during the Holocaust. (English)

Sabbatical I have spent

1990-1991: Oxford Centre for Jewish Studies, Yarnton Manor, Oxford, UK

2022: Center for Jewish Studies, Harvard University, MA, USA