Professor Rina Lapidus
Bar Ilan University

Young Jewish Poets Who Fell as Soviet Soldiers in World War Two, 2014 (English)

Young Jewish Poets Who Fell as Soviet Soldiers in World War Two book cover

Young Jewish Poets Who Fell as Soviet Soldiers in World War Two, London: Routledge Publishing House, 2014 (English). The book focuses upon the work of fifteen young Jewish poets who were killed, died of wounds, or were executed in captivity in the course of their service in the Red Army during the Second World War. These individuals were selected because each made a significant contribution to the development of war poetry as a genre. The book contains new material, hitherto unknown both to researchers of Russian literature and to Western literary scholarship. It thereby opens a new chapter in the study of the history of the period, the study of the literature written during and about this period, and of the existential attitudes that developed against the background of that war. The poets discussed in the book are Jack Althausen (1907-1942), Vladimir Avruschenko (1908-1941), Buzi Olevsky (1908-1941), Motl Hartzman (1909-1941), Elena Shirman (1908-1942), Leonid Vilkomir (1912-1942), Henech Shvedikh (1914-1942), Aron Kopshtein (1915-1940), Leonid Shersher (1916-1942), Pavel Kogan (1918-1942), Pavel Vintman (1918-1942), Boris Smolensky (1921-1941), Vsevolod Bagritzky (1922-1942), Zachar Gorodissky (1923-1943), and Leonid Rosenberg (1924-1944).

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